Lainey's Items for Sale

I'm selling off used items to make room for more goodies in my closet.  Check out the items I have for sale below, and let me know what you're interested in.  I'm working with Ra and Flute of "Flute's Feet" so they're handling my orders.  E-mail me to tell me what you want, and we'll chat :)  I always want to hear special requests for items... I'm very open minded ;)

I accept PayPal through Lady Flute.  Click on the button to buy your goodies!

My Well Worn Panties:
I love panties, and seem to always be buying more!  I need the space, so help me make room.  All panties are worn by me while working out.  They're "chock full of Lainey!".  If you have a special request, just let me know :)

My Scented Stockings:
Stockings are Lingerie for feet.  So, as you can imagine, I have pair after pair after pair...  These special stockings will be worn by me to fill them with my foot scent.  Think you can find a use for these silky smooth smellables?

My Matted Socks:
I'm a workout freak!  As such, I pound the hell out of my socks.  My feet sweat and then the socks soak it in while I'm doing aerobics.  They're bagged while still wet!  Think you dare open the bag? ;)


My Sensual Shoes:
Even my shoe closet is getting full.  Think you can find something as hot as my feet to slip into them?  Bet ya can... ;)  The availablity is always changing, so let me know what you're looking for if you want somthing special.


If you are not paying with PayPal and are paying by CASH, confirm your order with me through e-mail at
I share a mailbox with Lady Flute.  The Address is:

Lady Flute
11654 Plaza America Drive #109
Reston, VA 20190

Make sure it's well wrapped up!

Let me know what you think of my site!

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brought to you by Ra